Pashto Language With Pashto culture website
Pashto Language Description :-
Pashto Language Also Known As Afghani , And Pakhtu , And Pathani Language ,
It's the 2nd Most Speaking language of Pakistan , and Also it's The Officials language of Afghanistan ,
The Pashto Language Has speaking by KPK (Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa ) , And afghani Peoples .
There is a alot of different type in pashto .,
When you meet to any Quetta Villager you will find that they are speaking pashto some differently ,
than kpk people ,
while Afghani people also speak pashto differently than Pakistani ,
Pashto Is the main Language among the pashtun diaspora around world ,
and also The totall number of pashto -speaker is estimated around to 45-55 million People Word Wide ,
Pathanes called pashto as Pakhtu , it's the hard version of pashto ,
there are many successful people also where they belong from pathan family ,
Pashtoon Some great Personality , Which can know everyone all around the world .
Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai is A pathani girl , she has impressed everyone from her fight against Taliban ,
And MashaAllah She is so helpfully , she help almost all around the world now .
and also she is born in swat , which is in kpk .
Shahrukh Khan ( pathan ) ( SRK ) ;-
The My name is khan movie actor Shahrukh Khan which is roll model for everyone now , he has billion fan from different country , and how can i miss it that he is the no 2 richest actor in the world ,
we get happy when we think about shahrukh khan that he is also a pathan , pushto , and even he can speak also a little bit pashto i have seen in a interview where he revealed that he can speak pashto little bit .But to be noted shahrukh khan is not from paksitan , and he is a Indian and their family also belong from India ,
Salman khan , and aamir khan are also pathanes
there are many more great personality pathan . but the above are my favorite .
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